The latest news of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's passing has awoken awareness in me and further stirred my reflections. Thus, I am sharing how his words will forever leave a legacy in my life and throughout generations.
Singapore Cardinal William Goh says:
"He is most renowned for his brilliant and intellectual prowess. He had a keen analytical mind and always gave very penetrating insights into challenges facing the world, the Church and society. He was a prophet of our time and truly enlightening. But his profound wisdom and knowledge was not just because of his intellectual brilliance; he was also a deeply contemplative man."
He has always amazed me with his words. At times I find myself being surprised after reading and finding out he was the one who wrote it. Especially with his amazing words (as shown in the above photo). It is so easy to live life comfortably, but it is only when we are put in an uncomfortable position that we don’t like, that we learn that we were made for something more, made for greatness. I remember when I first discovered that quote, I thought, 'Wow, who is this profound man of wisdom?" And this infamous quote of his will forever be my nursing mantra and words of comfort and assurance in the work I do.
These excerpts of Pope Benedict's first homily, it was actually my first time ever reading it and I have not read something that I could relate so much to that speaks so much to me and explain what I feel. Personally, in my faith life, I’ve always felt comforted that Praise God that I am following Christ. However, in that following, there would be a time(s) where I would feel scared in following that call. But not scared in a means of scared to hear His voice, but rather scared of what if I actually like it? For years, I’ve always contemplated it and what it means, and it would always link back to Pope Benedict’s words (as shown in the very top photo: "The world offers you comfort but you were made for greatness") and also this random quote of:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson
The fear is not in the call but in the greater purpose of the call. I guess this also then links back to surrendering fully to His will which I have not done so intentionally.
In Pope Benedict’s excerpts from his first homily, he speaks about how we should not be afraid to give up something significant, something unique, that makes life beautiful. This of which refers to God’s big plan for us. The fear of it then comes about on us holding our own will, in our comfort and freedom. But Pope Benedict addresses this and tells us, young people, that if we truly offer it all up to God, even in that fear of “liking it” or being “powerful beyond measure”, our Christ will take nothing away, but rather receive a hundredfold in return if we give ourselves 100% fully to him. Pope Benedict truly reminds me that despite my fears, despite my shortcomings or doubts, we to not be afraid and the Lord our God will give us everything.
In His Last Words, to summarise his gratefulness in his life, he said, "I love you Jesus!"
How simple yet inspiring to show how one's desire and gratefulness for the Lord is! Truly a profound man of wisdom in our recent times!
Eternal rest grant unto Pope Benedict XVI, O Lord. And may perpetual light shine upon him.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Requiescat in Pace. Rest in Peace.